Day #1292 (Thu., July 18, 2013) – Climbing A Tree
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I took today off work as a vacation day so I was able to take my wife to work and back. When we came home this evening Katie was playing in the swimming pool. We took turns squirting each other with squirt guns.
After dinner we decided that we would try out hand at Maple Dairy Farm again. On the drive over I asked Katie if she remembered what happened yesterday. She did. I guess the experience of having to leave early because she was not listening to mommy and daddy is etched into her mind. Good. It’s a lesson she had to learn.
As we were driving up into the parking lot Katie said that she wanted to climb the tree. We were soon to realize how much she meant it (see photo to the left). There was a dog there and she did pet it for a bit…but that tree was more of an allure than anything else. She would climb it and then roam around and play with the kids for a bit but would always come back. We ended up staying two hours…longest we have ever been. It was brutally hot at first, but quite nice once the sun went down.
As we were driving home I made sure to emphasize how good Katie was today. I told her that since she was such a good girl today that makes us want to bring her back more often…
1) Katie climbed the tree at Maple Dairy Farms this evening.