Day #1293 (Fri., July 19, 2013) – Another Growth Spurt?
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My wife told me that Katie fell asleep at 1 pm and woke up at 4 am – starving. She watched ‘Caillou’ and ate some shredded cheese, bread and Mascarpone cheese.
At 4:30 am Katie stated: “I think both Caillou and I are sleepy. Caillou is yawning, I am yawning…”
Katie got up from her nap late today so we decided that we had better get out. If not she will be real fussy this evening and we will pay the price. There is not an awful lot to do around Chapel Hill at nighttime…at least as far as kids are concerned. We decided that we would take Katie out to Maple View Farms again for some ice cream.
As usual, on the drive out I asked Katie what flavor of ice cream she would like. Her typical response…”strawberry”. I told her that there are other flavors as well but she seemed set on strawberry. No matter, we will buy it, it will melt in the cup, and she will slurp it on the drive home. That’s our usual ritual.
At Maple View Farms Katie made the “bee line” for her tree and started climbing. After a bit there were quite a number of kids on the tree so she had to learn how to share. Eventually she became unmanageable so we had to drive home. On the drive home she had chicken and two cheese sticks. She was hungry. That’s why she was so unmanageable. My wife thinks that this is another growth spurt.
Katie also found another hiding place at Maple View Farms…behind the tree in the photo to the left.
1) Katie is having another growth spurt.