Day #100 (Tue., Apr. 13, 2010) – Day 100 Is Here!!!
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2:45am – My wife and I have been talking (edited from “taking”) for quite a while how Day #100 of little Katie’s life (edited from “live”) will be here soon…and here it is. Time sure flies. I’m glad that I’m writing this blog as we would have forgotten a lot of these details of her life by now.
3:00am – I’m backing up my computer right now so I will upload photos for the last couple of days once I am done.

Stroller or harness…stroller or harness..that is the question. Today the harness won out as I took little Katie for another walk around the lake. I figure I had better do this while I can. After all…little Katie weighed in at 16lbs this morning!
Little Katie was fussy this evening and I had to pay our cellular phone bills, so I drove her to the cellular store. She was asleep by the time I arrived. I had to protect her from all those aggressive salesmen…they wanted to sign her up to a calling plan (I’m kidding actually…but not by much).
Little Katie was fussy again this evening so I hooked one of the refrigerator-cooled teething rings to the end of the rings on her play mat. She would “gum” it and it seemed to help calm her down.
Our evening ritual is becoming as such: (1) read to the baby, (2) play the guitar for the baby, (3) change the baby, (4) put the baby in a sleeping bag, (5) hand baby to wifey for an evening feed, (6) put the baby to bed.
1) Little Katie enjoys the refrigerator-cooled teething rings while on her play mat.