Day #1314 (Fri., Aug. 9, 2013) – Early To Bed
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I went to the Dollar Store at noon today. It is always nice to have some gifts on hand in case Katie gets fussy or if she is a good girl and needs a reward. When I got home this evening I gave her one of these gifts…a keychain making kit (see photo to the left). It was a bit involved…you had to color a plastic sheet with markers and then bake the pieces in the oven. A bit too much for our “quick-gratification-seeking” little girl, but she did a bit of drawing with the markers while daddy did the rest.
As I have written about in previous posts, Katie seems to be past the nap stage of her life. Once in a while she will take a nap, but more often than not she will just sit in her room and play or change her clothes or “whatever”. Well this evening her “napless” life got the better of her. She was tired and went to bed early. Of course she put up a struggle at naptime, which is a bit of a habit by now, but she was soon out.
1) Katie still puts up a fuss when she needs to sleep.