Day #1317 (Mon., Aug. 12, 2013) – Scratch/Sniff Bracelets
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I gave Katie another present that I got from the Dollar Store the other day…Scratch/Sniff Bracelets (see photo to the right). It contained a series of stickers and a number of paper bracelets. The idea is to put one of the bracelets on your wrist and then you can put on a sticker and scratch them and see what they smell like. Well, Katie would say that it smelled exactly like the picture…but I didn’t see it. What can you expect for a $1.
My wife’s friend from New Jersey, Jasmine, came to visit this evening. Not exactly sure what to cook my wife ordered pizza. Of course Katie was delighted. She loves pizza…especially olives. Katie had me “dance” with her to show off in front of Jasmine. “Dance” to Katie means that daddy grabs her hands and twirls her around in a circle. Of course daddy gets dizzy so he can’t take too much of this. No problem in Katie’s eyes…she just keeps coming back for more.
As Jasmine left rather late this evening it was a real challenge to put Katie to bed. Even when she doesn’t have a nap during the day it is still sometimes a challenge to put her to bed.
1) Katie has pizza with olives during Jasmine’s visit this evening.