Day #1319 (Wed., Aug. 14, 2013) – Stephanie
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The photo to the right shows some of the pants that my wife picked up at the consignment sale this past Saturday.
I was on my bed this evening and Katie came prancing in with a Spiderman Marker Kit that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. She is very curious at this stage of life and must have been snooping around and found the bag of treats. I’m going to have to find a new hiding place to keep them in the future. Right now I have a number of Dollar Store toys in the trunk of my Camry.
At 7pm this evening we met Stephanie, who we hope will be Katie’s new babysitter. Katie, who is always happy to see visitors, was very excited when she rang the doorbell. She was a bit cooler after that due to meeting a “new face”, but she soon warmed up.
Katie was rather energetic and fussy so Stephanie got to see her in all her glory. She’s a nice girl and has recently moved here from Appalachian State University in Boone. We are hoping that she will be our next babysitter but she has a couple more interviews before she decides. Just before she left Katie wanted to play with her so they ended up down on the floor playing with the “jungle animals”.
1) We interviewed Stephanie, a potential babysitter for Katie this evening.