Day #1326 (Wed., Aug. 21, 2013) – Tube Of Polar Animals
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My wife emailed me at work and told me that Katie was a very good girl today. As a result we will finally be able to give her the presents we promised. We have been unable to give them to her up til now as we don’t want to reward her for not listening to mommy and daddy. I called them up when I was leaving work and when I told Katie she would get a present she run around screaming and yelling with delight.
When I got home I gave Katie the yellow harmonica (see photo to the right) I picked up from the Dollar Store. Unfortunately it didn’t work very well, so we ended up giving her another present, a tube of “Polar Animals”. She said she saw that one of them swam in the water so she wanted to take them to the tub.
For some reason I was really beat this evening and soon went to bed to take a nap. I woke up while my wife was trying to put Katie to bed. My wife told me about some of the adorable antics of Katie this evening. For example:
1) Katie invented a “Spice Remover” this evening. Just roll it over food and it can remove the spice.
2) Katie was reading my wife a story this evening and said “Cows ears can move 10 miles”.
1) Katie was a good girl today so she gets a “Special Present”.