Day #1333 (Wed., Aug. 28, 2013) – Pillow Fight
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The photo to the left shows Katie’s new marine animals…something to play with in the tub.
I got some extra keys for the front door made at Home Depot as we have two nannies now. I got lured into purchasing a key with a tiny flashlight attached as it is hard to find the key hole when it is dark. I should have known…it doesn’t work. It will not work the locks on the front door so I guess I’ll need to return it…
This evening Katie and I played “keep the balloon off the ground” for a bit. She likes it when I keep it up in the air and just before she hits it I hit it so she cannot get it. She will cackle with delight.
This evening I went down to the bedroom with a cup of coffee to be alone for a second and right behind me I could hear the “pitter patter” of little feet. She always seems to have that “what cha doin” frame of mind when it comes to daddy. She loves to be involved and do things with people.
Katie is such an extremely physical child. It seems that a lot of times she follows me around the house looking for attention til I get physical with her. Whether a tickling match, or a pillow fight, or a robust game of tag or chase, she seems to be open for a wide range of activities to burn off some calories and tucker her out.
1) Katie loves it when you play tag, chase or have a pillow fight.