Day #1335 (Fri., Aug. 30, 2013) – Off To See Gabby
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The photo to the left shows the huge Duplo tower that Margaret made for Katie.
We accidentally left the front door open this evening and before we knew it Katie was off to see our neighbor Gabby. When my wife went to look for her our neighbor was coming up our driveway to say that Katie was over at his house. She stayed there for about an hour playing and then it was time to come home.
We made sure to sit Katie down and explain to her that she was not to leave the yard, or cross the road, without us. We told her that if she wanted to see Gabby she should come and get one of us first. She seemed to understand, but we’re going to have to “drill” this into her.
The other main lesson we wanted to drive home to Katie, the one where if she doesn’t obey us she will be going right home and getting “No Special Present”, seems to be sinking in. She understands the importance of obeying us. The next step is for her to realize that she won’t be getting a “Special Present” just for obeying us…that sometimes we will evaluate her performance when we give her big presents for occasions like Christmas and her birthday.
Sometimes I will say “Nobody appreciates daddy”. This evening Katie responded by saying “That’s right, nobody appreciates you”. We all got a chuckle out of that…
1) Katie ran off to see Gabby this evening…