Day #1342 (Fri., Sept. 6, 2013) – Animal Circles
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Today was the first day of the “joined Fish classes” at Katie’s school. On Fridays they have both classes meeting together. This gives them time to socialize with more kids and see former classmates.
Katie was interested in a “Special Present” (as usual) when I came home from work today. She has figured out that I’m keeping them in the trunk of my Camry. I said that she could have one and she choose the animal stickers (see photo to the left). Later in the evening I suggested that she put some of them on a sheet of paper and when she was done she could paint on the paper as well. She thought that was a good idea and took to it immediately.
Next up in regards to Katie’s playtime was “Animal Circles”. I thought we would arrange the animals into various groups, like mammels and reptiles and birds and then have them in a parade of concentric circles.
I fired up the old Series 2 TiVo this evening and Katie got to watch “Wow Wow Wuzzby” in the master bedroom. We haven’t seen this show since we left Cary…I don’t think they have it on the stations anymore. She loved it…watched two whole episodes…
1) Katie and I made “Animal Circles” this evening.