Day #1349 (Fri., Sept. 13, 2013) – Paved Driveway
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We have a new paved driveway at our house (see photo to the left)…at least part of it. We would love to have the whole driveway paved but just can’t swing the cash right now. This is our compromise…and it was kind of a necessity…
We have been having some torrential rains this past summer and it has just destroyed our driveway…washed a lot of it away I mean… There were huge trenches and gaps in it and it was making it difficult to navigate with the car. One evening I was driving home and felt a bump under my car as I tried to make it to the house. The driveway struck again. This time my car was never the same. It still makes a large growling sound and I will need to take it to the mechanic to have it checked out. There was no point in having this done with our driveway being in such bad shape as it would only happen again. Hence, the paved driveway. With this new paved drivway in place I can now take the car to the mechanic and look forward to spending some more money…
Katie was asleep when I got home after 6pm today. Not sure what’s up with that but she seems to “tire herself out” with all her activities. She is just like her dad in that she sleeps when she gets tired and gets up and prowls around when she is rested.
1) Katie sleeps like daddy…when she is tired…and prowls around when rested…