Day #1350 (Sat., Sept. 14, 2013) – Washing Hands Like A Doctor
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I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this morning. Just before I left Katie said she was looking for me to return…with some chocolate ice cream.
While at Trader Joe’s I picked up some “crackers with cheese in the middle”. Katie had expressed a desire for some last week and I remembered as I passed by them. Katie started dancing around when she saw them. I caught her eating them on the LazyBoy…the television wasn’t even on she was so delighted to have them.
My wife went to bed this afternoon so I tended to Katie. I taught her to wash her hands like a Doctor…by washing up to the elbow. She took delight in doing this. Now she is ready to perform surgery on her toy animals.
Soon Katie and I were playing “make believe” with her toy animals. Dr. Lion and Nurse Horse would examine the patients in the waiting room, take whoever was sickest, and give them some medicine. I could see a broad smile come over Katie’s face as she played…she loved it.
I made some special milk for Katie this afternoon. She said that she was afraid of kangaroos so I told her I put two tablespoons of “anti-kangaroo” medicine in it. Then off to bed…but that didn’t take…she was soon up.
This evening I fixed the shelf on Katie’s kitchen (see photo to the right). Apparently she broke it when she stepped on it to get something higher up. A drill, a couple of screws, some duct tape and a call to “Not Do It Again” and it was as good as new.
1) Katie learned to wash her hands like a doctor today.