Day #1361 (Wed., Sept. 25, 2013) – Can’t Get Enough Halloween
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My wife called me up at work this afternoon. Katie was fussy and wanted her to go to the Halloween Store NOW. I told Katie that she had to get ready for the store. She needed to sit down and watch a couple of episodes of Scooby-Doo so that she would be ready for all the festivities this evening when we went. That seemed to do the trick. There is one particular episode that she enjoys…”The Ghost Rigger”…about a truck that has fire coming off the wheels…
When I got home from work Katie didn’t mention the Halloween Store. We thought that we might have a nice quiet evening after all, but when Scooby-Doo ended guess where Katie wanted to go? My wife was not feeling well so I bundled her up and took her.
The lady who manages the Halloween Store (i.e.: “Spirit”, see photo to the left) was there again this evening. She has taken a real shine to Katie, and vice versa. Katie enjoyed seeing all the mechanical clowns and various accessories, but tonight for some reason she adopted a black rat. She took it with her everywhere in the store and when I wouldn’t buy it for her she went up to the lady and asked her if she could have it. The lady said if you buy it you can. Katie then asked her “Will you buy it for me”?
In order to get a bit of a break from the “Black Rat” I took Katie next door for some TCBY Frozen Yogurt. She had raspberry sorbet and I had a butter pecan waffle cone. She ate about half of it when she said “Let’s go back and see the lady” (and of course the rat).
8pm soon came, the Halloween Store had to close, so I bundled up Katie once again and we headed for home.
1) Katie wanted the sales lady to buy her a black rat this evening.