Day #1362 (Thu., Sept. 26, 2013) – Dollar Store Halloween
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Katie is still into Halloween but we thought we would give the “Spirit” store a break this evening. My wife was planning on staying home but in the end both of us bundled up Katie and took her to the “Dollar Store”.
The initial reason for going to the Dollar Store was that they had the same black rat that Katie took a shining to at “Spirt” last night…but at a much cheaper price. As soon as we went into the door I found one and showed it to Katie. I asked her if she wanted one and she said “No” and quickly ran over to a display of pumpkins. Go figure? Last night it was all the rage…tonight Mr. Rat went back on the shelf.
As we went through the store I thought that there was many items that Katie would have liked. She looked at the flowers for a while (see photo to the right). She picked up a Jack-O-Lantern helium balloon at one point and I thought that would be her “Special Present” for the evening…but she soon put it back.
When Katie had to go to the bathroom, and the Dollar Store said they didn’t have one, I took Katie to Michael’s next door. They had lots of interesting Halloween things. When we went back to the Dollar Store Katie was very excited about taking my wife back to Michael’s to see all the goodies. My wife picked up a fine paintbrush and Katie played on the floor with the various animals. As I was heading to the counter to pay for the paintbrush I saw a Batman Water Color Book. Katie and I painted one of them when we got home.
1) Katie could have cared less about the black rat this evening…