Day #1374 (Tue., Oct. 8, 2013) – Stephanie Covers Margaret
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Margaret had a doctor’s appointment this morning so Stephanie was good enough to come and cover for her. Both my wife and I had meetings at work we had to go to. Around 10:30am I got an email from my wife…Margaret is sick and Stephanie has to leave at noon. Luckily I didn’t have any meetings so I was able to drive home and let Stephanie go.
I found Stephanie and Katie on Katie’s bed reading stories. I was to take over. We started off with the book on Noah’s Ark and then progressed to about 5-6 others. Soon my wife was back home and I could go back to work.
Katie had a long nap this afternoon and woke up around 6:30pm. She still has a nasty cough…and I feel like I have the same thing.
This evening I was trying to put Katie in diapers and she would have nothing to do with it. In fact, she insisted on picking out her new outfit. You can see her classic combination in the photo to the right.
1) Katie wanted to read books on her bed this afternoon.