Day #1375 (Wed., Oct. 9, 2013) – Barking Like A Seal

Katie was coughing like crazy today so my wife took her to the Doctor at 3:30pm. The Doctor made the note that she was “barking like a seal”. She has “croup”, which is caused by a viral infection. Somehow the infection itself went unnoticed. Apparently she is not contagious at this point, and there is no medicine that we can give her either. If they had noticed it before they would have given her some steroids.

2013-10-09 - Construction PaperWhen I came home from work she was sleeping on the LazyBoy. What she has gets to her eventually and she just conks out. I think I’ve got what she’s got…I felt like sleeping most of the day as well.

My wife ordered a huge package of construction paper from Amazon and it came today.

1) Katie has croup.