Day #1384 (Fri., Oct. 18, 2013) – The Pee Dance
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Today is a combined “Fish” class and “Nature Explorer Day” at Katie’s school. Whenever I ask her what she did today she replies “I Don’t Know”. Not sure what’s up with that…
My what a mess Katie can make when she wants to (see photo to the left).
Katie was very fussy this evening. She kept telling my wife that she wanted something specific to eat, but we couldn’t understand what it was. In the end she had two pumpkin bars and seemed quite satisfied with that. She is getting more and more into energy bars…my wife asked me to pick some up when I go to WholeFoods.
This evening both Katie and I helped mommy put boxes of Katie’s old baby clothes into the attic. Now they are organized and out of the way.
Later this evening Katie and I took turns reading stories to each other in her bed. She seems to be getting more and more interested in books, but still doesn’t read the words on them.
It’s becoming harder and harder to figure out when Katie needs to pee. She has these dance moves that look like she needs to go to the bathroom, but when I ask her she says “No”. Not sure what’s up with that.
1) My wife elicited Katie’s help in putting her clothes into the attic today.