Day #1388 (Tue., Oct. 22, 2013) – Meeting Nicole
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I thought I would show you the carving tools that we used to make the vampire and witch pumpkin this year. You can see them in the photo to the left.
I left work early today so that I would be home to meet Nicole. She will be replacing Margaret as Katie’s babysitter on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She had to leave by 5:45pm to attend her birthday party so I left work early in order to spend as much time with her as possible.
Katie was in a rather “wild mood” this evening. When Nicole arrived she was jumping around and screaming and yelling. It didn’t seem to upset Nicole in the least. She took it all in stride. She is originally from Oklahoma City and came her to attend Dentistry School. That didn’t work out so she is looking for a part-time babysitting job.
When Katie would not calm down I took her down to the bedroom to watch some television so that Nicole and my wife could chat a bit more in-depth. We liked her but decided to not make a decision until we interviewed the other potential babysitter tomorrow.
1) Katie met her future babysitter Nicole this evening.