Day #1389 (Wed., Oct. 23, 2013) – Meeting Danielle
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I took today off work. Need a bit of a vacation. I ran some errands…for example I picked up some Food Lion cans for tomorrow. They cost about $8.00 but mean we can forgo the $18.00 admission price to the fair.
Look at the photo to the left. It shows a circle that Katie drew all by herself. She is gaining much more control of her markers and crayons as of late.
This evening we all Went for a walk. Katie insisted on taking her ball, which can be problematic as she tended to kick it into the ditch.
Later this evening we met Danielle…a girl from Colorado who is interested in our babysitting job. She came with her friend (who Katie soon employed in reading books in her bedroom). They stayed quite late so it was hard to put Katie to bed afterwards. I found “Sabrina The Teen Age Witch” on PBS that I recorded for Katie today…so we put that on television. She wouldn’t eat so soon she was in bed on an empty stomach, and she still was “out like a light”.
1) Katie is getting better control when drawing circles and shapes these days.