Day #1390 (Thu., Oct. 24, 2013) – Off To The Fair

I took today off work so that we could take Katie to the State Fair. We took 10 Food Lion cans as the $8 I spent for this will forgo the $18.00 admission fee. We wanted Katie to go to the bathroom before we left home, but soon we were in a Wendy’s on Miami Blvd. getting the job done (this proved to be a common theme throughout the day).

Katie enjoyed seeing all the animals, of course, and about 30 minutes before the baby pig races we decided that we would go there and get a seat. While my wife and Katie sat in the stands I went and got food. This proved to be a good idea as the place was packed by the time I got back. Katie got to have her first funnel cake.

2013-10-24 - Katie And The BusAfter Katie saw some more animals, saw a “talking school bus” (see photo to the left), and had a few more potty stops, we bought some cotton candy and candy apples and headed for home. Katie loves cotton candy…this is the only time during the year she can get it.

When I asked Katie this evening what she enjoyed about the fair she responded “EVERYTHING”.

1) Katie loves EVERYTHING at the State Fair.