Day #1396 (Wed., Oct. 30, 2013) – Halloween At Work

Katie wore her cat costume to preschool this morning. She came up to me in the morning to show it to me before I left for work.

They are having a Halloween kiddie party for the children at work from 3-5pm this afternoon. There will be cookies and games downstairs and treats for the children in the various cubicles. I was thinking of taking Katie, but she was crying for her mommy at preschool this morning. The teacher thinks that she is just “over stimulated” and needs to rest. No problem…she’s gotten enough “ghost and goblins” this year as it is. We are hosting the neighborhood Halloween party tomorrow night so that is surely not going to help.

2013-10-30 - LollipopThis evening my wife wanted to get prepared for tomorrow’s party so I took Katie for a drive to see the Halloween decorations. We stopped off for gas, then to WalGreens to get some AAA batteries for the strobe light to put in the witch pumpkin at the end of the driveway. While there I bought a bag of potato chips and a lollipop for Katie (see photo to the right). Katie didn’t take to the lollipop too much but loved the chips. In fact, the both of us managed to finish off the whole bag before we arrived back home.

1) Katie and I finished off a whole bag of potato chips this evening.