Day #1398 (Fri., Nov. 1, 2013) – Taking Katie To School
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My wife had a work meeting at 9am this morning so I had to take Katie to school. The first time I have ever done so. Everything went smoothly. Katie even showed me where she put her backpack and bottle of water.
On the drive over Katie asked me why not all the leaves had fallen off the trees yet. I told her that they change color and as soon as they are dead they fall down to the ground. She had a revelation…”The leaves are like grandma…they both die”. It’s amazing what goes into their little minds and how they process it all.
Both my wife and I were extremely tired today after last nights festivities. When we got home from work I took a nap and then my wife woke me up and she took a nap. Katie? Energizer bunny as usual…
Take a look at the tired pumpkin on the patio in the photo to the right. It seems to know that Halloween is over and can relax now…or give up…
1) I took Katie to school this morning.