Day #1399 (Sat., Nov. 2, 2013) – Storytime At The Library
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My wife took Katie to the public library this morning as they were having storytime. Katie is really into books and stories these days and cannot seem to get enough of them (see photo to the right).
This evening we bundled up Katie and took her for a drive. We stopped off at “Spirit”, the Halloween Store, first, but when it was closed we decided to take a drive out to Southern Village. With most of the Halloween decorations down our next step was to go to the new Wal-Mart (on the way to Ferrington Village).
While my wife rummaged throught the Halloween decorations for next year I tended to Katie. First stop was the hulu hoops and balls. After that we ended up near the dinosaur toys (and saw some cool toys that light up). When mommy joined us we looked at the various games. Katie picked up an “Operation Game” (the one I had as a child), and an Octonauts toy clubhouse? We’re thinking that these might be good candidates for Christmas presents this year.
1) Katie loves going to the library.