Day #1400 (Sun., Nov. 3, 2013) – 50% Off Spirit
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This is the last chance for Katie to visit the Halloween “Spirit” Store so we bundled her up and off we went (see photo to the left). There is a 50% off everything sale today, so there was plenty of stuff to look over. All of the electronics were turned off so Katie missed out on all that excitement. We did however get her two white plastic rats (which she showed little interest in when we got home). I also picked up some huge cardboard Halloween posters…they were going to throw them out anyway.
After “Spirit” we went to WholeFoods to get some goats milk for Katie. While they picked up the milk I got the Kambuchka. They filled up the bottles while my wife checked out. That proved to be a good idea as they were ready to go as soon as I was.
Katie was in another fussy mood this afternoon. She wanted my wife to carry her from her bedroom to the living room…but we need to stop this “I’m the boss” attitude at some point. She stayed in her room and cried and whined. After a while I “broke the cycle” by going into her room and getting one of her story books. Soon she was trotting out to the living room to ask me why I took one of the books. She then apologized and we played for the rest of the evening…
First off was the helium balloon that Katie has been beating around the house the past few days. I cut part of the string off it and it floated around and we tried to grab it by the string. This soon evolved into a pillow fight.
1) Katie and I had a helium balloon pillow fight this evening.