Day #1406 (Sat., Nov. 9, 2013) – Documents At Chick-Fil-A
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My wife was tired so she slept in this morning. My turn to tend to Katie. When Katie started screaming for her mother I went to her bedroom with the two pink “meshies” that she left in the master bedroom last night. She asked where I found them. When I replied “In my bed” she added “Mom was right…she said you were sleeping on them”.
My wife and I needed to go over some documents for the house sale in Nova Scotia so we decided to take Katie to Chick-Fil-A. The theory went that we could go over the documents while Katie played in the play area. Well, that’s the theory. In reality she was complaining about the noise of the children in the area and was back at the table quite a bit. You can see her food spread in the photo to the right.
We did get the chance to see Miss April with her family and Mackenzie’s family there was well. On the way home Katie wanted to stop off at YoPop. When she got too fussy we decided to go home. Soon Katie was napping…
Katie’s words of wisdom: “I have a tip for you, Teacher. Don’t pee in your pants, or your bummy will be itchy”.
This evening I decided I would make some apple crisp. My wife made some stew. Katie made a mess…she got into her hair clips and threw them all over the floor.
1) Katie comes up with interesting verbage every day now.