Day #1412 (Fri., Nov. 15, 2013) – The Lost Kitties
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I got up in the middle of night to check on the kitties. My wife heard me as I was walking back to the bedroom and soon we were both up playing with the kitties.
Katie went to school today and I guess told everyone she met that she had two new kitties at home. When she got home from school they were nowhere to be found. I was out running errands when my wife called me and asked me to come home and help find them. I guess my wife was running her hair dryer and they ran away in fright at the sound.
When I arrived home Katie was crying. She came up to me and told me that they could not find the kitties. I told her we would do a methodological search. First find out as much as we could about the situation. We went to ask Stephanie and my wife when they saw them last. The next step was to take a flashlight and go into each and every room. If we couldn’t find them in the room we would close the door and go to the next room. Soon Katie was looking under her bed with the flashlight… She found them!!!
Batman and Robin are getting more acquainted with us and their new home. Robin seems to be more comfortable with a jumping and screaming Katie. As soon as Katie went to bed Batman came out from behind his warm spot behind the HDTV and they were having a great time chasing each other around the house. Just before my wife and I went to bed they had managed to jump up on the fireplace mantel (see photo to the left)…their next location to explore.
1) I taught Katie how to do a methodological search to find the kitties.