Day #1418 (Thu., Nov. 21, 2013) – Bear Up A Tree
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I went to Aldi at lunchtime today. While there I saw a number of toys that I thought Katie might like.
Robin seems to be daddy’s little friend. He will follow me around and when I sit down come over for a pat. This evening I was sitting on the bed using the computer. He was fascinated with the movement of the mouse cursor on the screen. Of course as soon as Katie comes he scampers away…
Katie came up to me this evening with a book showing a craft that she wanted to do. It showed a bear climbing up a tree. My wife printed the page off and we were at it. The first step was to color the pictures. We added all sorts of fruits and berries to the tree. Oranges, bananas, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc. I then cut them out and Katie helped me glue them to pieces of cardboard with some white glue I found packed away in the closet. With a little stick for the bear to climb up and voila…a craft in which the bear climbs the tree to get the fruit (see photo to the left).
1) Katie and I made a “Bear Up A Tree” craft this evening.