Day #1427 (Sat., Nov. 30, 2013) – Xmas Lights
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The kittens have found the tree as you can see in the photo to the right.
Katie is much better today. She is still taking her medicine out of the shringe but insists on having juice nearby to get rid of the taste. Bubble gum and cherry are supposed to be popular tastes for children’s medicine…but not as far as Katie is concerned.
This evening Katie and I made an animal train out of a box and some Duplo bricks. We added a flashlight to the front in case we were taking it down the darkened hallway.
The reason I wrote Xmas instead of Christmas in the title of this post is it reminds me of something Katie asked in the car as we were driving to Southern Village and Ferrington Village to see the Christmas lights this evening. She asked “What rhymes with X”? (Katie is into rhyming these days). My wife replied xylophone and I replied Xmas. This got my wife and I into a discussion of why the “X”. Well, I looked it up and here’s the answer:
First of all, you have to understand that it is not the letter X that is put into Christmas. We see the English letter X there, but actually what it involves is the first letter of the Greek name for Christ. Christos is the New Testament Greek for Christ. The first letter of the Greek word Christos is transliterated into our alphabet as an X. That X has come through church history to be a shorthand symbol for the name of Christ.
1) Katie is into rhyming these days.