Day #1432 (Thu., Dec. 5, 2013) – To The Vet
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My wife bundled up the kittens in the pet carrier and took them to the vet today. They were very good and took the opportunity to explore every bit of the office. They have doubled their weight from 2 lbs to 4 lbs in the 3 weeks since we brought them home. I happened to notice today that they are getting quite big. They will need this extra body weight to fight off an “almost 4 year old”…
This evening we brought out the Bilibo for Katie. My wife bought it for her a while back and I happened to see it on a “Favorite Toy Christmas List” the other day. I thought she might like to get into it and twirl herself about. She did for a while…but gradually lost interest in it. I guess you can never tell the toys that kids will like. Books seem to be her favorite toy these days, but we did build a tower to hold her zoo animals (see photo to the right).
Katie mentioned that she wanted to get married…to her mommy.
It is sheer joy to watch those kittens go after that simple yellow spring toy that my wife picked up for them a while back. Like the reviewer on Amazon said “It’s amazing the joy kittens will have over such a simple item”. It used to be that Batman was the one playing with it, but lately Robin has gotten into the act as well.
This evening we called up Santa via a messaging service that Vonage has just released. Katie got to leave her Christmas Wish List with Santa. She said that all she wanted was a Gold Red Necklace.
1) Katie called the Vonage Santa Messaging Service this evening.