Day #1435 (Sun., Dec. 8, 2013) – Pictureka
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I had to go to the Home Depot today to order the mirrored doors we are getting for our closets in the master bedroom and main entrance. As it turns out they are going to have a 15% off sale later in the week so we saved the order and I will call back on Saturday to actually order them. Should save us a few bucks.
While I was out I stopped off at FiveBelow. I picked up a game called Pictureka (see photo to the right) that I thought Katie would love. The initial plan was to give it to her for Christmas but we ended up opening it up this evening instead. She enjoyed it at first but the novelty soon wore off. Guess this is a game that she will have to “grow into”.
Susan stopped by with Helen this afternoon to play with Katie. I was in the bedroom and could hear their joys and shrieks of joy while they were playing, then the crying after Helen left, then the joy as my wife gave Katie a bath to calm her down.
1) Helen came over to play with Katie this afternoon.