Day #1444 (Tue., Dec. 17, 2013) – TV In The Master Bedroom

2013-12-17 - Katie's CrayonAt night we generally keep the hallway door closed so that the kittens are free to roam around pretty well anywhere but the bedroom area. As a result, when one of us comes through the door in the morning the kittens are all over us. That’s the first person. From the second person onwards the kittens almost ignore them. I guess they are just happy to see the first person to know that a supplier of food is there perhaps?

Kids and crayons (see photo to the right). Enough said…

Katie really enjoys watching the huge television set that we have installed on the wall in the master bedroom. This evening she saw a Mickey Mouse adaption of “Jack And The Beanstock”. When I told her that there was a giant in it she really got excited. When I asked her if she would be scared to see the giant she replied “No”. True to form Katie…loves this scary stuff…as long as it is not too scary.

1) Nothing is safe from Katie’s crayon it seems.