Day #1458 (Tue., Dec. 31, 2013) – New Years Eve
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Despite Katie’s love for books she still finds time to play with her animals (see photo to the left) and give them “collars”.
They let us go at 3pm today so I stopped off at the Dollar Store on the way home from work. I need to get a calendar for the new year and took the opportunity to pick up a Superman Book for Katie. It has empty pages in it so she will be able to draw whatever she wants. They had Spiderman and Batman books as well, but she expressed an interest in Superman the other day, so Superman it is…
When I got home my wife and Katie were both asleep. Rather than go down the hallway and risk waking them up I cleaned up the living room. The cats were sleeping on the LazyBoy and seemed to have no interest in helping out. Not sure how long it will stay clean with Katie about but at least it looks nice for a while.
I was tired this evening…too tired to ring in the New Year. My wife and Katie did though.
1) Katie still enjoys playing with her animals in spite of her new love … “Books”…