Day #1460 (Thu., Jan. 2, 2014) – Daddy/Daughter Day #7
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I took today off work so that I could take Katie out for another Daddy/Daughter Day. My wife is preparing for Katie’s birthday party on Saturday and the nannies are unavailable today. Having Katie out of her hair while she gets ready is a great help.
The first think Katie and I did was to go next door and take Ginger out for a walk. She is a Labradoodle puppy and gets very excited when she sees people. As a result she peed in the cage and peed all the way to the front door. By the time she got outside there was nothing left. Katie and I then fed Ginger, played with her for a bit, and left.
The next stop was to the Chapel Hill Library where we read some books. There was this very intelligent Chinese 2-year old girl there. The nanny told me that both her parents were cardiologists from China and her older sister played the cello.
Up next was YoPop, then home by 2pm. After Katie went to bed I went to Home Depot to get some caulking for the bathtub and a dowel for the fishing game on Saturday. I did manage to get some tablecloths at FiveBelow and some paper clips at the Dollar Store. I also got Katie a Spiderman balloon (see photo to the right).
This evening I tended to Katie while my wife cleaned the bathrooms. Katie and I went through the Chinese Program again. Towards the end she got restless and asked me what “Let’s Go” was in Chinese. I had to look it up (i.e.: “wo men qu ba”). Once I found the words Katie pointed to the living room and said “wo men qu ba”. What a smart kid…
1) Katie asked me how to say “Let’s Go” in Chinese this evening.