Day #1460 (Thu., Jan. 2, 2014) – Daddy/Daughter Day #7

I took today off work so that I could take Katie out for another Daddy/Daughter Day. My wife is preparing for Katie’s birthday party on Saturday and the nannies are unavailable today. Having Katie out of her hair while she gets ready is a great help.

The first think Katie and I did was to go next door and take Ginger out for a walk. She is a Labradoodle puppy and gets very excited when she sees people. As a result she peed in the cage and peed all the way to the front door. By the time she got outside there was nothing left. Katie and I then fed Ginger, played with her for a bit, and left.

The next stop was to the Chapel Hill Library where we read some books. There was this very intelligent Chinese 2-year old girl there. The nanny told me that both her parents were cardiologists from China and her older sister played the cello.

2014-01-02 - Spiderman BalloonUp next was YoPop, then home by 2pm. After Katie went to bed I went to Home Depot to get some caulking for the bathtub and a dowel for the fishing game on Saturday. I did manage to get some tablecloths at FiveBelow and some paper clips at the Dollar Store. I also got Katie a Spiderman balloon (see photo to the right).

This evening I tended to Katie while my wife cleaned the bathrooms. Katie and I went through the Chinese Program again. Towards the end she got restless and asked me what “Let’s Go” was in Chinese. I had to look it up (i.e.: “wo men qu ba”). Once I found the words Katie pointed to the living room and said “wo men qu ba”. What a smart kid…

1) Katie asked me how to say “Let’s Go” in Chinese this evening.