Day #1464 (Mon., Jan. 6, 2014) – Coloring Inside The Lines
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We had workmen come to the house to do a number of jobs today. First off they installed two mirror doors on our closets. They also took down the large cabinet in top of the fridge and put it in the basement. The third thing they looked at was putting an aerial on top of the roof for better television reception.
I was browsing around YouTube on the television in the living room this evening and came across some old Tom Jones videos. Once I put on “Help Yourself” Katie got up and danced. Soon I was up dancing with her. I think I’ll probably have to take her to a daddy/daughter dance at some point.
Katie showed us a coloring she did this evening (see photo to the right). She painted right inside the lines with a red crayon (i.e.: the bow on Minnie Mouse’s foot)…the first time she has done so. We have started to see her coloring and drawing really improve as of late.
Katie is really into the “Powder Puff Girls” cartoons as of late. We are trying to limit her exposure to the scary stuff on shows like Scooby-Doo so this seems like a good alternative.
1) Katie is learning to color inside the lines as of late.