Day #1483 (Sat., Jan. 25, 2014) – Teaching Katie About Cats
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I had to run to Whole Foods this morning as we were out of goat’s milk. On the way, I stopped off at Walgreens to pick up a prescription. I saw that they were getting rid of all their Christmas toys so I picked up a different set of Batman figurines for Katie at a big discount (see photo to the left).
This afternoon my wife went to bed and I tended to Katie. We were worried that I would not be able to put her to bed, but in the end, I gave her some milk and changed her into her pajamas. We then played with the Batman figures for about 5 minutes then I said she could take a few to bed with her. Off we trotted where I read them all “Green Eggs And Ham”. Katie then snuggled under the covers and went to bed. Easy Peasy…
Before I put Katie to bed today she was complaining that the cats don’t stay with her. I then took the opportunity to teach her how to get the cats to stay so she could play with them. I put Robin next to her on the Lazy Boy and patted him till he was comfortable. I told Katie to ignore the cat and continue to watch her “Super Hero” cartoon. A few minutes later I told her to caress the cat once and then just let him be. A few minutes after that I told her to caress him again and let it be. I explained that cats love attention, but they also love to be ignored at times as well. In the end, Robin stayed on the Lazy Boy with her for quite a while. Not sure how long this lesson will take hold…but at least Katie knows now that this process works.
1) I taught Katie how to have the cats stay with her.