Day #115 (Wed., Apr. 28, 2010) – Baby Burrito Wrap
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2:46am – “Thumper” is up. For some reason once little Katie gets up she has taken to raising her legs up and down and hitting her crib pad loudly with them. It makes a very interesting sound in the baby monitor in another room. You ask yourself “what in the world is that”?
I just changed little Katie and gave her to her mother for a very early morning snack. While I’m on the subject let’s talk a bit about baby clothes. From a baby daddy perspective, some baby clothes are designed purely for looks. At 2:45am it’s often impossible to figure out where the door to the room is let alone which button or snap goes into which hole. I have just the invention. Introducing…
The “baby burrito wrap”! Why not have a blanket with velcro clasps on each end? All you need to do is put the baby on one end and roll, roll, roll til you run out of blanket (kind of like making a burrito). A quick velcro press and you are done! You could even have a hood on one end for those special evenings out on the town. Coming in all the dynamic colors and various shades of pastel you are ready for every social occasion! Who says being fashionable has to cost a lot of money!

When I got home from work this evening little Katie was playing in the playyard. I knelt down to see her and she gave out a yelp of joy. When I got into the playyard with her she started to yelp and help some more. She seems to be much more vocal when she is happy now. That adorable little smile would melt the polar ice caps.
We got a package in the mail from my mother today (shown in the photo to the right). Lots of nice clothes for little Katie and presents for my wife and me as well.
Little Katie weighed in at 17 lbs 0.5 oz this evening.
8:21pm – I’m going to go to bed early tonight…I’m beat. Little Katie sometimes talks in her sleep and this keeps both my wife and I awake…or at least prevents us from getting a deep sleep. It’s really funny when she starts to say “ah ha” in her sleep…kind of like she is agreeing with what you just said. What’s up with that?
1) Little Katie is becoming much more vocal when she is happy.