Day #1496 (Fri., Feb. 7, 2014) – Isabelle The Giraffe
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They had a pyjama party at Katie’s preschool today. They all showed up at school in their pyjamas and Mary made them pancakes.
Today is the day that Katie is giving up her suche. Certainly not her choice…but she will be giving it up nonetheless. Her dentist tells us that it is interfering with her teeth so out it goes.
We decided that we would take Katie out and let her pick out whatever gift she wanted in exchange for giving up her suche. We ended up at the Children’s Science Store in Durham next to Moe’s. Before we even entered into the store Katie saw a huge plush giraffe through the window (see photo to the right) and said that she wanted it.
A little bit of background in regards to the desire for a plush giraffe. The last time we went to the Zoo she saw one at the entrance of the gift shop and said she wanted it. Thinking it was a passing fad, off we went. This last Christmas when Katie saw Santa she told me that she was going to ask him for a plush giraffe. So it appears that her desire for one keeps growing…
We let Katie play around the store for a bit. She did enjoy an activity set of mechanical penguins that climb up a staircase and then slide down only to to up the staircase again. Having said that, when it was time to leave, the giraffe was her choice. She named her Isabelle.
We stuffed it into the backseat of the car so that Katie could pat it and drove over to Moe’s for dinner. With our tummies full we headed for home. No suche for Katie tonight but she will get to sleep with a huge plush giraffe.
1) Katie got a huge plush giraffe for giving up her suche today.