Day #1497 (Sat., Feb. 8, 2014) – Inflatable Swords, Hammers & Shields
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Katie slept with Isabelle the giraffe last night. She has been asking for her suche but all in all she is giving it up in style…
In order to “reward” Katie a bit more for giving up her suche I brought out some inflatable swords, hammers and shields that I picked up at the Dollar Store last week. You can see the “Spiderman Hammer” in the photo to the left. We chased each other around the house and did battle and burned off some energy to start off the morning.
Later in the morning we pretended our table was at a restaurant and Isabelle and a couple of her stuffed animal friends came over for a meal. Katie and I were the cook and waitress and we made them a meal and served the food to them.
My wife was beat this afternoon so when I got up from my nap she went. Katie and I played various games and then all of a sudden Katie came up to me and said she had diabetes. I asked her where this came from and I’m not totally sure but perhaps Caillou. She kept running around and saying that she needed special snacks.
Katie played with her Legos for quite a bit of time this evening so my wife and I could watch television together. We watched a show about the JFK Assassination. Kind of like we used to do before Katie came along… It was nice…
1) Katie is dealing with having no suche much better than we expected.