Day #1498 (Sun., Feb. 9, 2014) – Duke Lemur Center
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My wife and I took Katie to the Duke Lemur Center this morning (see photo to the right). We got a discount via Groupon and needed to use it up. Katie was very talkative…in fact, she was the first person who asked a question of the guide. Right in front of all the other people.
Katie refused to eat and go to the bathroom so she was in quite the state by the time we went to go home. She kept talking about how she wanted to go to Moe’s for lunch, but as we would have to tend to the lunchtime crowd we decided to go home. By the time we got closer to home my wife wanted to eat out as well so we ended up at the Chinese restaurant down the street.
At 8pm tonight there was a special on television about the Beatles. 50 years ago, on Sunday night, at exactly 8pm, the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. Katie likes their music but I don’t think she realizes what a big deal it was.
1) Katie got to see some lemurs today.