Day #1500 (Tue., Feb. 11, 2014) – Vinyl Zoo Stickers
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Katie is still not feeling well so I thought I would go to the Toy Store in Chapel Hill and get her something to cheer her up. It’s always hard to figure out what she will like, but jungle animals seem to always be a big hit. At first I thought of getting her a tube of jungle animals but my eye caught a “Vinyl Zoo Stickers” book (see photo to the right). It has various habitats around the zoo and you can place the stickers on them as you see fit. The nice thing is that they are reusable…so hopefully this will generate into lots of hours of fun for sick little Katie.
Katie was still feeling bad this evening so just before it closed we rushed her to Urgent Care down the road. With a wintery ice-snow mixture on the way we wanted to make sure we didn’t get snowed in and need medical attention. The doctor gave us a prescription but told us to wait 24 hours before giving it to her. We decided we would go across the street to WalGreens and get it filled…just in case we need it and can’t make it to the pharmacy. While there Katie wanted another toy…a robot that lights up and moves…
1) Katie is still not feeling better so we took her to Urgent Care.