Day #1506 (Mon., Feb. 17, 2014) – Valentines At School
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I had the day off at work as today is President’s Day. Since my wife had to work I dropped Katie off at school this morning. They are celebrating Valentine’s Day today as the school was cancelled on Friday. My wife had me give a huge bag of Valentine’s Day gifts to Miss April (see photo to the left).
My wife went to bed early this evening and I tended to Katie. She was watching Batman on the LazyBoy and had two bowls of strawberry yogurt. As I left to go to the bedroom she yelled out: “Dad, can you stay here in case I need something else”.
Later on in the evening we dressed up Isabelle the Giraffe.
In order to coax Katie to go to bed this evening I told her I would tell her the story of “The Witch, The Wolf, And The Pickle”. She hurriedly scampered to bed in order to hear the story. The gist of the story was that the pickle was lonely and wanted a friend. The witch and the wolf both auditioned but the witch liked to scare children and the wolf liked to scare Red Riding Hood. The pickle wasn’t sure which friend to choose so she went to see a counselor. The counselor said that she liked to help people and offered to be the pickle’s friend. The pickle quickly said “YES” as she loved to help people. The witch and the wolf became good friends as well as they had something in common…they liked to scare people.
1) Katie and I dressed Isabelle the Giraffe this evening.