Day #1512 (Sun., Feb. 23, 2014) – Zoo Visit
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It was such a beautiful day today that we decided to take Katie to the zoo. It seems every time we go there Katie has a different agenda. It might be the giraffes or lions or to climb on the statues or ride on the carousel. Today Katie seemed more interested in running quickly between the various exhibits. I suppose that is a result of being cooped in because of the snowstorm and that she couldn’t really run around when she was sick. She did exhibit a particular interest in the flamingos and lions (see photo to the left) as well. She also wanted to ride on the carousel but it was shut during the off season.
My wife wanted to see the polar bear exhibit. There has been a long history at the Ashville Zoo in getting a polar bear and keeping it alive and then having a new up-to-date exhibit. Today is the day. I must admit I don’t know where all those millions of dollars went…
On the drive home we stopped off at KFC for a bucket of chicken. Katie has been wanting animal crackers all day and when the zoo gift shop was sold out we went to Food Lion to get her some. We also picked up some paper plates and utensils for our KFC chicken.
Closer to home we stopped off at the McDonald’s in Siler City so Katie could play in the amusement area. She took a particular fancy to one of the Happy Meal boxes (it has a Batman logo on it) so the lady gave it to us. She was going to throw it out anyway.
1) Katie wanted jungle animal crackers on our trip to the zoo today.