Day #1513 (Mon., Feb. 24, 2014) – Beware The Horn
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Remember the McDonald’s Batman Box that Katie expressed an interest in last night? Well, you can see a picture of it to the left.
As I was leaving the house today Batman scurried out in front of me. I was already late and had to figure out how to coral the cat who was hiding under my car. Easy fix…blast the car horn. I don’t think I have ever seen a cat scamper so quickly back into the comfort of a house… Good to know… I don’t think he will be racing out the door in front of me any time soon…
My wife sent me the following email: Katie is talking to the Panda. “Oh, your babies are so cute! What would you do without your kids? Oh, you would go to Yopop and eat! Peace and quiet”… 🙂
I was beat today so I went to bed soon after dinner. My wife came and woke me up around 11pm and I took over tending to Katie. My wife is not feeling the best…she might be getting a cold.
Katie and I played various games. Jungle animals to start off with (go figure). We then created some videos on my iPhone and she laughed and laughed. Soon it was time to get out the elephant games. One features butterflies that you catch in a net. The other features picking up little cardboard buttons with suction cups.
I kept trying to coax Katie to bed but there was one thing after another. I want this to drink. I want that. Daddy let’s play. Daddy I want juice. Daddy I want ??? As I was tucking her into bed for the last time she said she was hungry and wanted cheerios. I brought a bowl of cheerios to her bed. I think she realized at that point that it was time for bed. Lights out… 1:38am…
1) Katie is starting to mimic the sayings of my wife and I these days. She hears everything!