Day #1523 (Thu., Mar. 6, 2014) – Play Date With Olivia
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Katie really enjoys playing in the tub these days. You can see her creative expression on the walls in the photo to the left. Luckily it is washable paint…
My wife organized a play date for Katie today. Olivia, who is in Katie’s class but is a year older, came over to play with Katie at 10am. Her father Alan and brother Blake accompanied her.
My wife was working, so our babysitter Nikki played with them. The girls had a great time: they drew and played together. Alan was surprised that there were no fights and they had no problems sharing. He said that usually when Olivia plays with her other friend there is a lot of drama going on. The drama was soon to come and started as they were about to leave…
Katie wanted to ride a horse (a stationary bike) and wouldn’t let Olivia ride together because, as she said, “My horsie said he doesn’t like that”. Katie wouldn’t give Olivia a good-bye hug, so Olivia started to cry… Katie then gave her one hug, but just one. Olivia was very upset that she didn’t get another one…
I gave Katie a Lego tractor ($1 Dollar Store version) this evening.
1) Katie had a play-date with Olivia today.