Day #1526 (Sun., Mar. 9, 2014) – Tubes And Tubes Of Animals
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My wife took Katie to the park again this morning to play with Eleri. I stayed home and did some work around the house. I put our new printer/fax/copier machine on the desk and fixed the toilet.
Katie took a plastic toy parrot to the park to show Eleri but left it there. We were very happy to get an email from Vanessa later this evening mentioning that she picked it up and put it in her purse. My wife will be able to get it from her tomorrow when she drops Katie off at school.
This evening we all went to Moe’s. Afterwards we went to A.C. Moore so Katie could pick up the cheetah she saw yesterday (armed with our 40% off coupon). In the end she opted for a tube of baby sea animals, which is great as it is a way to coax her into the tub for a relaxing bath before going to bed. As soon as we got home this evening she wanted to take a bath…good choice.
They had a sale on the tubes of animals. $4.99 instead of $7.99. At that price we couldn’t help but stock up. Check out the stash in the photo to the right.
1) We got tubes and tubes of toy animals for Katie today at A.C Moore.