Day #1541 (Mon., Mar. 24, 2014) – Sick Or Not?
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When I got up this morning Katie said “I’ve had enough of you daddy. I love mommy”. She later told me that she would love me again the day after tomorrow. Funny how kids think…
I drove Katie to school today. We sang the Thumbelina song but Katie told me that she had a hard time remembering the words. As soon as I dropped her off she grabbed a book and sat down to read it (see photo to the left). No saying hi to the teachers or children…just right to reading.
At noon today I stopped off at Sam’s Club to get some carrots & apples & celery for my juice machine. I made quite a few glasses of the combination via my juicer. My wife and I loved it. Katie was more interested in munching on a candy necklace.
Katie was very fussy this evening. I guess she has been acting strange all day. We’re not sure if she is sick or not, but we gave her an ibuprofen and that seemed to calm her down.
Later this evening Katie was playing with her mermaid and barbie. She had barbie’s head poking out through the back of her dress. She obviously didn’t know how to put it on. We found one of Barbie’s shoes but not the other. The cats were circling around us all the time…they wanted to play as well.
Barbies don’t usually hold Katie’s attention. We were soon playing with the large Duplo blocks and jungle animals.
1) Katie marched right into class today, picked up a book, and sat down to read it.