Day #1546 (Sat., Mar. 29, 2014) – Visitors Tonight
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The name “Goldfish” must be trademarked or something. At Trader Joe’s they have “Rockets” and at WholeFoods they have “Cheddar Bunnies” (see photo to the right). Can’t they just call them “Goldfish”???
We are having Donovan and his wife over this evening so I stopped off at Trader Joe’s this morning for supplies. We needed to get some dessert as well as beer and wine. Katie expressed a desire for chocolate cake so I picked up a dozen tiny chocolate muffins. She’s all girl…she went at them like a house on fire. Of course on some she would just lick off the icing from the top…
My wife and I spent most of the afternoon cleaning up the place. Katie was not very cooperative and had a lot of her toys spread about the place. It’s so much more fun to make a mess than it is to clean up.
Our guests arrived at 5pm and Katie was her charming self. We brought an extra chair out of the office so Katie could join us at the table. Our main meal was lasagna but we also had salad and dessert. Us adults enjoyed wine and beer.
Just before bedtime Katie looked at our guests and said “Thanks for coming. You can come back anytime”. She is such a charming child.
1) Katie was super charming with Donovan and Amy tonight.