Day #1547 (Sun., Mar. 30, 2014) – Cotton Candy

2014-03-30 - Hello Kitty Cotton CandyIt was real windy today. I had to go out and put the plastic over the lumber for the shed a number of times. The tarp even blew off the trunk of my Camry. We are trying to keep the water out of the trunk.

I ran some errands today. First off I went to Kohl’s to return some stuff for my wife. Katie wanted cotton candy so I stopped off at Five Below as well. They didn’t have any in the tubs but I did find some “Hello Kitty” Cotton Candy (see photo to the right). Sam’s Club provided me with plenty of ingredients to juice. I then picked up dinner for my wife and Katie from Moe’s before heading home.

Katie is having a couple of dress-up days at school in the near future. As a result my wife asked me to pick up some pirate and cowboy stuff at the Dollar Store. Cowboy stuff seems to be in short supply, but I did find a couple of pirate accessory kits.

1) I got Katie some “Hello Kitty” Cotton Candy from “Five Below” today.