Day #1549 (Tue., Apr. 1, 2014) – April Fool’s Day
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Nikki came over to take care of Katie today. Katie put up her “tantrum” of sorts that she has started as of late… “Don’t leave mommy & daddy”. She’s fine once we leave, but it seems that she doesn’t want to see us go for the day.
Katie wanted to visit Nikki’s dog Miley today (see photo to the left). Miley was intent on stealing Katie’s broccoli. They baked cookies and Katie brought two home for mommy and daddy. Mine never made it to me as Katie ate it.
This evening Katie was playing out on the patio. All of a sudden she pulled up her dress and peed on the deck. Later in the evening she peed on the floor next to her toy oven. My wife told her that we went through this a year ago when she was potty trained. I’m not sure what Katie’s response was…
As of late Katie has been asking both my wife and I to read her a story before bedtime. She will more often than not get her plush toy “Sealy” to read to her. Of course I’m the voice behind Sealy. Tonight Katie had Sealy read her a book and in Katie’s words “Make it scary”.
1) Katie and Nikki made cookies for mommy and daddy today.