Day #1550 (Wed., Apr. 2, 2014) – Bamboo Sticks
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The photo to the right shows the two cookies that Katie helped make yesterday. My wife took this picture…I didn’t get to see my cookie as Katie at it…
Stephanie arrived at 8:30am this morning to take care of Katie. Katie was still sleeping when I left for work. I guess she didn’t get up til around 9:15am.
When I got home from work I was making hummus in the blender and Katie came up and hit me. I scolded her and told her that she should not hit people. She replied “But you hurt my ears”. I forgot to tell her to cover her ears before I started up the blender so I apologized. I also made her apologize for hitting me.
There are some “New Episodes” of Scooby-Doo on NetFlix today. This evening I set Katie up in the bedroom with a bowl of maple syrup so she could watch them. I guess I will be sleeping in maple syrup tonight…
Later this evening we all took a walk down the road. Katie was in the stroller in her bare feet on the way up. She wanted to run ahead in her bare feet on the way back.
One of our neighbors was cutting bamboo so Katie wanted to take a couple of pieces home. One was dry and the other was wet…you could here the distinctive difference in sound as you knocked them on the pavement.
On the way home we saw some AT&T linesmen working on the cellphone transmitter on top of a telephone pole. I was asking my wife why they were working past 5pm. Of course Katie had to run ahead and ask them in person.
1) Katie complained that I was hurting her ears with the blender today.